90 Day Money Back Guarantee
No wait required, Spartan Shampoo works straight out of the box. Apply evenly onto dry hair, wait 10 minutes and wash it off. It's that easy.
Spartan Shampoo is ammonia & peroxide free. Utilizing a gentle all natural formula that nourishes your hair, making it shiny, soft, and vibrant.
We offer three different colors: Black, Dark Brown, Light Brown
That offer perfect coverage even against the toughest of grey hairs. Coverage lasts up to 6-8 weeks depending on how frequently you wash your hair.
Spartan comes in a normal shampoo bottle, allowing you to control the exact amount everytime. No more wasteful packets. One bottle usually lasts over 6 months, making it a bang for your buck.
Spartan doesn't stain, requires no equipment, and no setup time. It's so easy you can fit it into a normal shower routine.
With over 100,000 bottles sold in the past 3 months, we can proudly claim we have the most innovative hair dye on the market.
Amazon, Walmart, Temu, Ebay, and a hundreds of other businesses are copying and listing counterfeit products on their website with another name.
We sell exclusively on Try-Spartan.com ONLY! And if you read the reviews you can quickly see just how terrible these untested scam products are.
So if you want to try our shampoo please, don’t end up making the mistake of purchasing a product with untested chemicals which can permanently damage your hair and scalp.
We’re really confident in our product, which is why we always offer a 90 day money back guarantee. If it doesn’t work for you, we’ll give you a refund. You don’t even need to return the product.
We're so confident you'll love our product, we offer an iron clad 90 day money back guarantee. If you don't like it, return the product for a full refund no questions asked.